You know you’re a writer when….

You know you’re a writer when;

1. You record any thoughts you deem publishable.

2. You stop in the middle of a fight with your husband to say, “hold on honey” – to jot down a note.

3. Your pet peeve is people who use the word “literally” incorrectly – such as “I literally cooked each recipe in my head.”

4. There are three empty cereal bowls next to your computer; one for each meal.

5. Your office is any café with an outlet.

6. The fire department came when you tried to burn your 600-page manuscript in a fireplace that didn’t work, either.

7. You  keep a thesaurus in your purse or backpack.

8. You’ll never forgive your parents for your happy childhood.

9. You assess every person you meet as either good or bad character material.

10. You run out of room on Hallmark cards.

9 thoughts on “You know you’re a writer when….

  1. Ha Ha Olive. I certainly look like a writer – instead of cereal bowls, I just have mounds of peanuts! But assessing people as character material is matched by collecting names you think might be useful in the future!

    First time here – apologies for late arrival… adding you to my blogroll now!

  2. Haha Great Cartoon.

    Its funny ’cause its true 🙂

  3. “I literally cooked each recipe in my head” haha. That post-espresso novelist looks exactly like you! ;D

  4. @Barbara; Thanks for visiting:) Am trying to cut down on bowls of cereal myself, so instead of empty bowls, tis empty plates, with some toast crumbs!

  5. @Rose; Am guilty as charged for using “literally” too much, so I guess I can’t talk!

  6. @Ronan; thought so too, laughed out loud when I saw it:D

  7. Right – I now practically enjoy bad experiences, to write about them. I’m not creative enough to make all that great stuff up. Kristi

  8. Hi Olive, I love the new look, makes me want to give my blog a makeover, it already has a ghost but a new look might make a change. Blogposts keep disappearing so just be careful on my site.
    Really funny and true, at least cereal is healthy !!

  9. @Brigid; Thanks Brigid, hope the ghost disappears, there’s nothing worse than taking the time to write a post, only for it to vanish into thin air:)

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